Autostrade per l'Italia
Autostrade per l'Italia

Tuscany Area

Tuscany Area

Description of the asset

At 17.5 km, the new three-lane section between Barberino di Mugello and Firenze Nord in the southern direction is the natural continuation of the Direttissima Variante di Valico.

The new infrastructure, which will open to traffic in March 2022, upgrades one of the country's busiest junctions, the one between Bologna and Florence, increasing the overall capacity from 4 to 7 lanes. It will result in savings of 1.5 million hours per year, reducing journey times by 30%, and a reduction in CO2 emissions of -2,000 tonnes per year.

The section includes 10 km of tunnels, more than half of the route, including the 7.750 km of the Santa Lucia, the longest three-lane tunnel ever built in Europe.

The asset is part of Autostrade per l'Italia's broader infrastructure development and investment programme in Tuscany for a total extension of 120 km.


I numeri

persone al giorno
4 corsie
configurazione finale
7mln kg
di acciaio
3,1 km
di fornici

Il tracciato

Descrizione dell'opera

Nell’ambito del progetto di potenziamento dell'autostrada tra Sasso Marconi ed Incisa Valdarno, e in particolare del tratto “Barberino di Mugello – Incisa Valdarno”, che costituisce il tratto appenninico più complesso per la morfologia e la delicatezza ambientale del territorio attraversato appena a nord di Firenze, è prevista la riqualifica delle carreggiate esistenti, che prevede il re-direzionamento verso nord della ex carreggiata sud e l’ammodernamento dell’attuale carreggiata nord.

Dopo l’apertura al traffico del 19.03.2022 della nuova carreggiata SUD, l’intervento di riqualifica viene a configurarsi come il “lotto di completamento” dell’intera Tratta Barberino-Firenze Nord.

Lo scopo del lavoro consiste nel modernizzare ed adeguare agli attuali standard tecnologici e di sicurezza distribuiti su tutta la tratta in questione. Di seguito un elenco riassuntivo degli interventi principali da eseguire:

  • Manutenzione delle pavimentazioni, rifacimento integrale dell’usura drenante e interventi puntuali di risanamenti profondi;
  • Sostituzione integrale delle barriere di sicurezza, sia su opere d’arte sia in rilevato con impianti di nuova concezione;
  • Realizzazione del piano risanamento acustico in accordo alle prescrizioni del decreto VIA;
  • Razionalizzazione dell’idraulica di piattaforma, al fine di rendere parzialmente chiuso il sistema di raccolta e smaltimento idraulico;
  • Prolungamento artificiale lato sud della galleria del Colle;
  • Nuova segnaletica orizzontale e verticale, principalmente per inversione senso di marcia carreggiata ex sud e per gestione dei punti di diversione e riunione delle due carreggiate;
  • Aggiornamento del PD alle NTC 2018 e alle ultime procedure emanate dal Concedente (principalmente FOA, Integautos, muri e cordoli opere d’arte);
  • Aggiornamento del PD relativamente al progetto degli impianti in galleria alla luce degli interventi previsti nei piani PSG1 (conclusi) e PSG2 (in corso).

Description of the asset

On this 22-kilometre-long section, the expansion from 2 to 3 lanes was realised with some sections in a 3-lane tunnel variant. On the variant sections, the former southbound carriageway was upgraded and opened to northbound traffic.

The Conference of Services was concluded in October 1999. In 2000, an Environmental Observatory (Comitato Tecnico di Garanzia) was set up to verify the incorporation of the prescriptions imposed by the EIA and the Conference of Services into the Construction Design. Between March 2002 and July 2004, the Grantor approved the designs that had passed the Observatory's verification. In the period from October 2003 to October 2005, the works were started and handed over.

The implementation of this design was very complex because the work affected an area of great scenic value and high population density.

The Firenze Nord - Firenze Scandicci section was completely opened to traffic in April 2007. The sections Firenze Scandicci - Firenze Impruneta and Firenze Impruneta - Firenze Sud were completely opened to traffic in August 2013.

Within the Firenze Nord - Firenze Sud section also lies the modernisation and adaptation project for the new Scandicci junction, which is currently being planned and authorised.

It envisages an intervention to fluidify and integrate the connecting branches that lead from the A1 motorway to the FI.PI.LI., the Scandicci and Florence municipal roads, relieving the entire junction of the high traffic flows that currently burden the entire area.

Description of the asset

The intervention is part of a broader investment plan by Autostrade per l'Italia that specifically concerns the stretch of the A1 between the Firenze Sud and Incisa Valdarno junctions.

On the same section, there are four continuous works (Lot 1N, Lot 2B, Lot 1 and Lot 2), which will ensure the upgrading of approximately 45 km of infrastructure, bringing it to a functional level compatible with current and future traffic volumes, giving the infrastructure increasingly high safety standards.

Lot 1 North

The widening to the third lane of Lot 1 North, between km 300+749 (at the Firenze Sud junction) and km 306+986 (at the San Giorgio halfway point) is characterised by a conventional on-road widening for about 6.2 km and presents alternating symmetrical and asymmetrical interventions. The project calls for the construction of two carriageways of 3 lanes + emergency lanes in each direction (as opposed to the current two lanes in each direction);

The project is aimed at giving continuity to the routes of emergency vehicles through the service area's forecourts. In particular, the emergency lanes will be positioned along the outer perimeter of the forecourts and physically separated from them;

Lot 1N is a part of the entire intervention and the new section, opened for the first 4.5 km on 30 July 2021 and for the next 1.5 km in June 2022; it is part of the first extension to the third lane in the section between the Firenze Sud and Incisa junctions.

The new opening has ensured greater traffic fluidity in the section between the Firenze Nord, Firenze Scandicci, Firenze Impruneta and Firenze Sud junctions, also favouring a significant improvement in city flows in the entire metropolitan area, and in particular for the urban area of Firenze Sud, Bagno a Ripoli, Ponte a Ema, Grassina and Antella.

The completion of Lot 1N is scheduled for mid-2024 and is therefore a further step towards the completion of a major investment plan carried out by Autostrade per l'Italia throughout Tuscany.

Lot 2

Lot 2B+1S represents the widening of a further 11.6 km of motorway platform in the direction of Incisa, between the 306+985 and 318+511 progressions, in continuity with what has been done so far with Lot 1 North. In April 2022, work began on the two lots:

  • For lot 1S, an in-situ extension with alternating symmetrical and asymmetrical sections;
  • For Lot 2B, the construction of a variant section with three traffic lanes in the southbound direction, at the new San Donato tunnel, in correspondence with the underground crossing of the San Donato hill. The northbound direction of the project utilises the two existing tunnels (used equidirectionally) and therefore has (2+2) traffic lanes.

In addition, Lot 2B provides for morphological remodelling at km 309 to stabilise the slope on which the new motorway will be built, which is currently affected by widespread slope phenomena.

The project also includes the construction of the Ribuio (Lot 2B) and Massone (Lot 1South) viaducts, as well as the retrofitting of the ramps in the Rignano parking area.

Description of the asset

The Incisa-Valdarno section consists of two lots guaranteeing an extension of a further 18.5 km of motorway platform between the Incisa and Valdarno junctions, thus continuing the extension of lot 2B+1S. To date, the project has been submitted to the Ministry of Infrastructures and is awaiting approval.

The project is located in Tuscany and involves the Provinces of Florence and Arezzo and the Municipalities of Reggello (FI), Figline - Incisa V. (FI), San Giovanni V. (AR) and Terranuova Bracciolini (AR).

The project envisages the construction of a new 3-lane carriageway in the initial part of the route due to the presence of the Bruscheto tunnel, which cannot be widened in the roadway, with consequent use of the existing carriageway southbound up to km 319+710. The widening of the following section, up to the Valdarno toll booth, takes place in the roadway.

The most significant assets are the new viaduct over the Arno and the Bruscheto tunnel, both of which fall within the variant section of Lot 1.

The entire expansion plan, once completed, will bring the main road link in Italy (A1 Milano-Napoli) back to a functional level compatible with current mobility needs, resulting in a modernised facility that meets the highest safety standards.

Description of the asset

The project involves the widening to the third lane of the section of the A11 between the Firenze Peretola urban junction and the Pistoia junction with the aim of strengthening the road connection between Firenze and the densely populated and industrialised area of the Prato and Pistoia plain.

The intervention is divided into 2 lots.

Lot 1: Upgrading of the Peretola junction and widening to the third lane up to km 9+850 (Prato Est);

Lot 2: Widening to the third lane from pk. 9+850 to pk. 27+390 (Pistoia) and new Pistoia East junction;

Interventions to foster the territory

SIn order to improve the connection of the motorway with the ordinary network, works are planned in the municipalities of Montecatini, Pistoia, Prato and Campi Bisenzio such as:

  • Roundabouts at Montecatini junction;
  • Asse dei Vivai connecting Pistoia Est junction to S.S. 719;
  • Doubling of the S.S. 719 near Ponte Lama;

The following hydraulic risk mitigation works are also planned:

  • Brana stream expansion tanks;
  • Marinella stream expansion tanks.
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