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Our Mission 

Making mobility increasingly sustainable, safe, innovative, efficient and responsive to the present and future needs of society and its communities
Autostrade per l'Italia Group has undertaken a path of transformation, in line with the sustainable development objectives of the 2030 Agenda, which integrates sustainability into its business model and defines it as a key element of its Mission.

Learn about the 2030 Agenda

On 25 September 2015, the UN General Assembly approved the 2030 Agenda, consisting of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), divided into 169 targets to be achieved by 2030. Signed by the governments of the 193 member countries of the United Nations, it represents an action programme from which to build a world in which the various aspects of sustainable development - environmental, social and economic - are integrated. The goals set, aim to fight poverty, inequality, climate change and to build peaceful societies that respect human rights. The Agenda concerns and involves all countries of the world and all components of society, from private enterprises to the public sector and civil society.

Icons of Sustainable Development Goals
For the Group, Sustainability is the driving force of a continuous and cross-cutting improvement process that generates value and enables results in a long-term perspective.
Global Compact Network

Autostrade per l'Italia is a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact, the largest strategic initiative in the world for sustainable development. By joining the Global Compact, Autostrade per l'Italia confirms the commitment to integrating sustainability into its business model and identifying it as a distinctive element of its Mission, in line with the sustainable development objectives of the 2030 agenda.

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Our commitments

Materiality Analysis

In line with the requirements of the new edition of the "GRI Standards 2021", we have updated the materiality analysis, identifying material topics that reflect the company's significant economic, environmental and social impacts and that significantly influence the assessments and decisions of its stakeholders.

The concept of materiality is closely linked to the concept of impact: material themes are those that represent the organisation's most significant impacts on the economy, the environment and people, including impacts on human rights.

Each material theme was associated with current and potential positive and negative impacts, generated by the Group's activities, defining a theme-impact map that was subjected to an assessment process through stakeholder engagement activities.

To present Autostrade per l'Italia's contribution to the commitments of the UN 2030 Agenda, the list of material issues was associated with the Sustainable Development Goals.


Combating climate change

Energia pulita e accessibile Lotta contro il cambiamento climatico

Protection of natural resources

Acqua pulita e servizi igenico-sanitari Consumo e produzione responsabili


Vita sulla terra
Lotta al cambiamento climatico


Occupational health and safety

Salute e benessere Lavoro dignitoso e crescita economica

Road safety

Imprese, innovazione e infrastrutture Istruzione di qualità

Inclusion, Enhancement, Development of human resources

Istruzione di qualità Parità di genere LAvoro dignitoso e crescita economica Ridurre le disuguaglianze

Customer experience

Imprese, innovazione e infrastrutture

Infrastructure oversight

Imprese, innovazione e infrastrutture

Relationship with the community

Città e comunità sostenibili
Lotta al cambiamento climatico


Governance and integrity

Pace giustizia e istituzioni solide Partnership per gli obiettivi

Privacy and cybersecurity

Pace giustizia e istituzioni solide

Supply chain

Lavoro dignitoso e crescita economica Consumo e produzione responsabili

Business model resilience

Imprese innovazione e infrastrutture Pace giustizia e istituzioni solide

Innovation and digitization

Imprese innovazione e infrastrutture Città e comunità sostenibili
Sustainability report
Sustainable finance
Learn more
Climate Transition Plan 2024

Stakeholder Engagement

The ESG Statement defines the Group’s strategies for adopting sustainable actions and behaviours.

Download the ESG Statement
Agency ESG ScoreRating ScaleCompanies rated
SustainalyticsGlobal leader in ESG and Corporate Governance rating specialising in assessing how effectively companies manage ESG risks
Since January 2023 ASPI has been included in Top-Rated ESG Companies List.
(Negligible Risk)
(Negligible / Low / Medium / High / Severe risk)
CDPIndependent non-profit organisation offering companies and countries a system to measure, track, manage and share information on climate and water change globally.A-A/ D-
(A score: Leadership; B-/B score: Management; C-/C score: Awareness / D-/D score: Disclosure )
GRESBThe Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) is an independent organisation that provides validated ESG performance data and peer-reviewed, transparent and accessible benchmarks for the financial markets.900-100 
MSCISocietà leader nel fornire strumenti di supporto per le decisioni di investimento di investitori globali (es. asset managers)ACCC-AAA~14,000
Standard EthicsThe Standard Ethics Rating (SER) is a Solicited Sustainability Rating (SSR), which aims to provide an assessment of the compliance level of companies and sovereign Countries with regard to sustainability and corporate governance in accordance with EU, OECD and UN guidelines.EEEEE-F
(EEE: Full; EEE-: Excellent; EE+: Very strong; EE: strong; EE-: Adequate; E+: Non compliant; E: Low; E-: Very low; F: Lowest level)

Autostrade per l'Italia has consolidated robust management of ESG-relevant processes through the adoption of management systems certified to "International Organization for Standardization" (ISO): ISO 45001 for Workplace Safety, ISO39001 for Traffic Safety, ISO 9001 for Quality Management, ISO 14001 for Environmental Management, ISO 37001 for Anti-Bribery, ISO 30415 for Diversity and Inclusion, ISO 27001, ISO 27701, ISO 27017, ISO 27018 for Information Security, Data Protection and Cloud.

In 2022 Autostrade per l'Italia was awarded the "IMQ Excellence Certificate" for "the high number and quality of certified ISO systems and for the constant commitment in the continuous improvement of its processes".


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Sustainability Leader - Sole 24 Ore

An award granted to Italian companies that stood out for their care for ESG issues.

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Sustainability Report Award – Corriere della Sera

An award granted to Italian companies appreciated for their ability to communicate their ESG commitment and strategy in a transparent and comprehensive manner, involving their stakeholders.

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ESG Identity Corporate Index 2024

The ESG Identity Corporate Index is the only quantitative analysis model measuring the degree of integration of sustainability factors in corporate strategies and represents an indicator of a company's ESG Identity. Autostrade per l'Italia was included in the Top Ten unlisted companies.

Green Economy Award

The Green Economy Award rewards companies that distinguish themselves through sustainable practices, contributing positively to the environment, society and the well-being of their collaborators.

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