Our Values
Spreading of corporate values and change management

Our core values are: Professionalism, Integrity, Work Ethic, Transparency, Accountability, Quality and Performance. These values are spread and promoted among the entire corporate community through an important listening, training and awareness-raising program aimed at supporting their dissemination and full internalization called Dare Valore, il Valore dei persone al centro del cambiamento (Giving Value, the Value of People at the Center of Change).
This prestigious award recognises companies that stand out for the quality of their working environment and policies undertaken to promote employee well-being and growth.

We Believe in Talent

We seek out and develop talent, empowering people to reach their potential and training management to inspire merit-based leadership, accountability, dialogue and collaborative, constructive feedback.
We believe in and encourage internal growth with the aim of assessing, through dedicated campaigns conducted with the support of leading operators in the management consulting sector, the corporate population of so-called professionals and that of managers: 400 people were involved in the first half of 2020.
We strive for a new leadership model aimed at rewarding not only the achievement of results, but also the ways in which results are achieved, encouraging managerial styles oriented towards change and the enhancement of resources.
Autostrade per l'Italia's educational project is dedicated to promoting road safety by involving young people attending the last three years of secondary school.
The initiative, created in continuity with the summer road safety campaign “Don't close your eyes, road safety concerns you too”, aims to take up its key messages by addressing in particular young people under 20 through the involvement of 220 secondary schools located in the territories crossed by the Autostrade per l'Italia network.
Discover the Road Safety Campaign Visit the registration portal for schools
This is a personalised and highly engaging quiz that students will complete individually on their smartphones. Guided by teachers, it will help them understand that the "zero road accidents" goal is something that directly concerns them. With the support of their teachers, they will then be able to delve deeper into topics related to road safety and correct driving behaviours, using educational materials available on a dedicated website.
Throughout the school year, students will have the opportunity to meet road safety experts. The initiative includes live events at schools with senior representatives from Autostrade per l’Italia, law enforcement, and special guests like Paralympic champion Ambra Sabatini.
At the end of the programme, students will have the opportunity to actively participate in the educational campaign by creating one or more slogans on the theme of road safety. Prizes include vouchers for educational and technological supplies.
We offer a guidance programme involving I and II grade secondary schools to ensure proper timing of entry into the labour market and an informed choice of post-graduation pathway.
The term STEM refers to disciplines such as Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, towards which there are still many prejudices and clichés that preclude access to them for the female population. We need the contribution of girls and women in STEM to sustain innovation and social and economic progress in the country.
During the six months of its presidency, Autostrade per l'Italia, together with a system of enterprises, pursued a process to create new trade schools, joint learning paths with universities and an extensive communication plan aimed at Generation Z.
A Master's course aimed at young people under 30 who are hired from day one with an apprenticeship contract in the company to learn “on the job” the trade for which they have been selected.
Partnerships of excellence to train skills through both university courses and trade schools.
Welfare, Diversity & Inclusion
Autostrade aims at promoting an inclusive culture based on the enhancement of diversity, the sustainability of individual choices and organizational wellbeing.
Welfare policies increasingly cover the needs of our people in terms of:
integration of professional pension funds, activation of insurance policies for private life
health protection
prevention, coverage of medical expenses, awareness campaigns targeted at at-risk individuals
parenting support
daycare, economic incentives to support maternity, flexible working hours
study support
guidance, scholarships, summer camps, study trips
equal opportunities
Achieved through the promotion of inclusive models that provide space for collaboration and dialogue between genders and different generations and are able to make the most of and support female talent
Health Care
Solutions for our people and their families, for them to keep fit and healthy.
- health insurance
- flu vaccination
- training, information and discussion initiatives to promote a culture of wellness, encourage a healthy lifestyle and propose ways to stay fit and healthy
initiatives aimed at facilitating the striking of a balance between private and working life.
- parenting support
- baby care and daycare for the children of our colleagues
- scholarships and summer camps for employees' children
- Fragibilità, the service dedicated to Caregiver colleagues to help them assist their families inside and outside their homes.
People Care
ideas for living and working better inside Autostrade per l'Italia.
- Company agreements dedicated to employees
- Insurance policies for employees and family members
- Complementary pension fund
- Contractual categories and individual protection, incremental with respect to the regulations in force
- Legal and tax consultancy
- L'Altra Rete, the corporate community on the world of volunteering
- Car Pooling for Employees
- Well...Come Back, training and guidance for employees returning from long periods of absence
Diversity and Inclusion
Our Group works by implementing fundamental principles to ensure an inclusive organisational environment
Our Group, which represents a variety of cultures, histories, abilities and skills across Italy, is working on several fronts to strengthen its commitment to diversity and inclusion by promoting various strategies and action plans to ensure an inclusive culture. This commitment stems from the awareness that diversity of gender, age, nationality and disability is a resource. Only if a fair and welcoming physical and social environment is created that allows each person the maximum expression of their potential, can concrete value be created to develop productivity and innovation.