Every year, Autostrade per l'Italia and the Italian Traffic Police jointly draw up and implement a complex snow emergency management plan to ensure suitable road conditions on highway stretches as well as motorist safety. The aim is that of:

  • encoding the various snow emergency phases, indicating operational coordination and user information measures for each phase.
  • taking appropriate action, including the temporary restriction of heavy vehicles, to ensure the best possible conditions and winter service vehicle performance.


In its Snow Plan, Autostrade per l'Italia envisages the involvement and the activation of:

  • 9 radio rooms, a National Multimedia Centre and a National Traffic and Emergency Coordination Centre to monitor events and coordinate staff and winter service vehicles;
  • 168 snow depots for the service vehicles and/or chloride deposits;
  • 1024 snow ploughs;
  • 183 salt gritters;
  • 236 combination vehicles for spreading chlorides and clearing the snow;
  • 149 calcium chlorides sprinklers;
  • 156 mechanical shovels for loading the salt;
  • 185 vehicles for clearing or removing snow from service areas, parking lots and toll booth areas;
  • 26 Unimog vehicles equipped with ploughshares and rotors to remove snow build-ups in emergency lanes
  • 61 heavy rescue vehicles to assist vehicles with gross vehicle weight of more than 7.5;
  • 9 strategic sodium chloride deposits.


The Traffic Police also contributes to this with:

  • 10 operational highway centres;
  • 310 motor vehicles;
  • 280 patrols per day;
  • 1726 operators.

Autostrade per l'Italia and the Traffic Police keep the Prefecture and the competent local authorities continuously updated on all critical issues at every stage of the snow event. This allows the local authorities to take any necessary steps to restrict traffic throughout the area adjacent to the highway or to provide the necessary assistance in the event of blocked traffic.

Traffic and weather information

Information on weather and traffic conditions and, where applicable, and information on alternative routes, is passed on to motorists through the following channels:

  • specific messages on variable message panels alerting motorists of road and weather conditions on the highway stretches affected by snow, of the steps taken by Autostrade per l'Italia and the Traffic Police to manage the snow event, and transmitting any type of information;
  • RTL 102.5 and Isoradio 103.3 radio stations;
  • Onda Verde news broadcast by CCISS Viaggiare Informati on Radio 1, Radio 2 and Radio 3;
  • Traffic Call Centre on 840.04.21.21;
  • CCISS Operations Centre on 1518;
  • www.autostrade.it and www.cciss.it websites


Winter Equipments (snow tyres or chains)
Legal requirements and no overtaking for trucks - Dates and Motorways


Autostrade per l'Italia asks motorists and road hauliers to ensure they are adequately equipped for the next winter season.

From November, motorists travelling on highway stretches at greater risk of snow or ice will be required to fit snow tyres or have snow chains on-board, in accordance with orders issued by Autostrade per l'Italia or by the authorities who own the highways (e.g. the State, regions, provinces or municipalities)

Motorists are alerted to the requirement to fit snow tyres or carry chains on-board by road signs that are placed along the highway stretches and entrance toll booths affected by the orders.

It should be borne in mind that suitable equipment translates as safety during bad weather, especially heavy snow.

Motorists not suitably equipped will incur financial penalties of between €80 and a maximum of €318 (art. 6, paragraph 14 of the Italian Highway Code).


The list of the highway stretches in which winter tyres or on-board chains are required between November and April, in accordance with orders issued by Autostrade per l'Italia, is set out below.

from Kmto Kmdirectionfromto
A1 Milano-Napoli10+700119+500both15-nov15-apr
A1 Milano-Napoli119+500210+100both15-nov15-apr
A1 Milano-Napoli210+100358+600both01-nov15-apr
A1 Milano-Napoli Direttissima0+00032+966both01-nov15-apr
A4 Milano-Brescia172+500217+700both15-nov15-apr
A7 Genova-Serravalle84+500125+778both15-nov15-apr
A8 Milano-Varese8+10042+600both15-nov15-apr
A9 Lainate-Como-Chiasso10+70042+314both15-nov15-apr
Raccordo A8-A26 Diramazione Gallarate-Gattico - D080+00023+221both15-nov15-apr
A13 Bologna-Padova0+000116+735both15-nov15-apr
A14 Bologna-Taranto0+000144+247both15-nov15-apr
A14 Bologna-Taranto144+247507+000both15-nov15-apr
Diramazione per Ravenna0+00029+800both15-nov15-apr
Diramazione Padova Sud0+0004+338both15-nov15-apr
Diramazione Ferrara Sud0+0006+270both15-nov15-apr
Raccordo di Casalecchio0+0005+440both15-nov15-apr
Ramo d'adduzione Sasso Marconi0+0002+700both15-nov15-apr
Tangenziale di Bologna0+00022+231both15-nov15-apr
A16 Napoli-Canosa26+570127+627both15-nov15-apr
A23 Palmanova-Tarvisio18+549119+925both15-nov15-apr
A26 Genova Voltri-Gravellona Toce0+000197+200both15-nov15-apr
Raccordo A26-A4 Diramazione Stroppiana-Santhià - D360+00030+734both15-nov15-apr
Raccordo A26-A7 Diramazione Predosa-Bettole - D260+00017+030both15-nov15-apr
A27 Venezia-Belluno0+00082+454both15-nov15-apr
Interconnessione A27 Bretella Marco Polo - A57  both15-nov15-apr
Raccordo R64 A27-Conegliano  both15-nov15-apr


A list of the highway stretches in which vehicles with gross vehicle weight of more than 7.5 t are prohibited from overtaking, in accordance with orders issued by Autostrade per l'Italia, is set of below.

from kmto kmdirectionfromto
A1 Milano - Napoli210+100417+600bothin case of snow
A1 Milano - Napoli417+600633+300bothin case of snow from 15 nov to 15 apr
A1 Milano - Napoli633+300734+000bothin case of snow
A1 Milano - Napoli Variante di Valico0+00032+966bothin case of snow
D18 Diramazione Roma nord0+00023+100bothin case of snow from 15 nov to 15 apr
D19 Diramazione Roma sud0+00020+000bothin case of snow from 15 nov to 15 apr
A7 Genova-Serravalle125+77884+500bothin case of snow
A11 Firenze - Pisa Nord0+00081+100bothin case of snow
A13 Bologna-Padova*24+00027+500Padova15-nov15-apr
A13 Bologna-Padova*29+00025+500Bologna15-nov15-apr
A13 Bologna-Padova*69+50073+000Padova15-nov15-apr
A13 Bologna-Padova*74+50071+050Bologna15-nov15-apr
A13 Bologna-Padova*102+20099+940Bologna15-nov15-apr
A14 Bologna-Taranto144+200743+402bothin case of snow
A16 Napoli-Canosa27+000172+470bothin case of snow
D94 allacciamento Tang. Barientire stretch bothin case of snow
A16 Napoli-Canosa26+000127+600bothin case of snow from 15 nov to 15 apr
A26 Genova-Gravellona Toce0+00059+665bothin case of snow
Raccordo A26-A7 Diramazione Predosa-Bettole - D260+00017+030bothin case of snow
A30 Caserta-Salerno0+00055+300bothin case of snow
* on viaducts indicated within the ordinance


New variable message panels

Specific messages are immediately and continuously transmitted on variable message panels to alert motorists, throughout their journey, as to weather and road conditions on highway stretches affected by snow.


High impact weather alert emitted

With road salting activities

Facilities and equipment ready to operate before snowfall has started

With road salting activities

No heavy or critical snow, with no effects on traffic

Snowing but not at critical levels, except for some stretches. Traffic increasing or tending to increase

Heavy snow with maximum snow management operations activated.
First vehicles blocking the road
First vehicles blocking the road because of skidding or loss of control.
Vehicles sideways across the road and possible delays in removing them.