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Building the Network of the Future

A major investment plan is currently being implemented; it includes a financial commitment for the expansion and modernisation of the network and the widening of approximately 1066 km of motorways with third and fourth lanes.


Types of work

ASPI is implementing a major plan to upgrade and modernise the network. However, not all works are directly visible to users, as this depends on the type of activity performed.

Additional Signage - Keys

Lavori in Galleria
Indagini tecniche
Adeguamento strutture
Sostituzione barriere

Particularly in tunnel modernisation works, workers operate inside tunnels that are closed to traffic for safety reasons and are therefore not visible. The traffic is diverted to the tunnel in the opposite carriageway well in advance, through narrowings and diversions in compliance with regulatory requirements.
In case of technical inspections and viaduct retrofitting, activities normally take place below the road surface. The inspections required by the new standards can also lead to permanent restrictions during inspection, design and contracting phases, thus preceding their performance.
Lastly, safety barriers are replaced and modernised in specific places, whereas construction sites are set up over extended stretches to allow work to progress with permanent signs, thus protecting operators.

Why don't I see people at work?

In order to answer this question and provide a full description of the works that are not visible from the street, we have created these short footages. Even when you can't see us, we are constantly working!

Tunnel works


Technical inspections


Adaptation of structures


Replacement of barriers


Siamo consapevoli che i cantieri rappresentano un disagio talvolta inaccettabile per gli utenti, nonostante siano motivati da un piano di ammodernamento infrastrutturale senza precedenti e realizzati con tutti i possibili accorgimenti per limitarne durata e impatto sulla circolazione. Anche per questo abbiamo istituito, primi gestori autostradali in Europa, il cash back del pedaggio in caso di ritardi causati da lavori sulla nostra rete. Per maggiori informazioni visita la pagina Cashback