Autostrade per l'Italia
Autostrade per l'Italia
Customer service
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Il Punto Blu Online diventa Muovy, il nuovo Hub di servizi di Autostrade per l'Italia

Customer service


In this area it is possible to:

  • Pay the "Unpaid toll reports" collected at the toll booth (within 15 days from the date of issue at no additional costs).
  • Self-certify the entry toll booth, during online payment, if the "Unpaid toll Report" was issued due to lack of entry ticket.
  • Consult all available channels for the payment of the unpaid toll.
  • Ask for the invoice.

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Mancato Pagamento Pedaggio


In this area it is possible to:

  • Use the new service to request ONLINE invoicing of tolls paid by cash, credit and debit cards, without shipping costs and track the progress of the request.
  • It is necessary to:
    • register on the website,
    • enclose the payment receipts collected at the toll station

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Fatturazione Pedaggi


In this area it is possible to request a refund for the toll paid in the event of an error:

  • change from automatic cash machine;
  • credit or debit card charge;
  • detection of the vehicle class;

In case of approval, the refund will be paid directly to the bank account communicated in the application in case of payment by card and cash. Click here

To request a refund for delays due to construction works on the Autostrade per l'Italia network click here

Richieste Di Rimborso Pedaggio


In this area it is possible to:

  • consult the sales channels for prepaid viacard
  • request a refund in the event of demagnetisation, loss or in case the card has been withheld at the toll station. In the event of approval, the refund will be paid directly into the bank account indicated in the request.
  • request online billing by attaching a photo of your Viacard.


Viacard prepagata


In this area it is possible to:

  • Request a replacement receipt if you were unable to collect your transit certificate/payment receipt at the toll station.

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Ricevuta Pedaggio Sostitutiva

Richiesta risarcimento danni

Coloro che abbiano subito un danno sulla rete autostradale di aspi e che ritengano che possa sussistere una responsabilità attribuibile al concessionario potranno inviare richiesta di risarcimento danni tramite PEC al seguente  indirizzo:

Oppure in alternativa  tramite raccomandata all’indirizzo:

ICM - Ufficio Gestione Sinistri
Via A. Bergamini,50
00159 Roma

Il Numero Unico Muovy 803.111, opzione 4, è disponibile per informazioni sui Sinistri nei seguenti giorni:

Lunedì  e Venerdì  dalle ore 9.00 alle ore 12.30
Mercoledì  dalle ore 14.00 alle ore 16.30
No festivi

Richiesta risarcimento danni


Autostrade per l’Italia e 19 Associazioni dei Consumatori hanno costituito un organismo di conciliazione (ADR) per la risoluzione stragiudiziale delle controversie che potrebbero insorgere tra utente e azienda

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In this area you can request how to pay the toll in the following cases:

  • Transit on emergency vehicle;
  • Exit without payment and without a "Report of unpaid toll".

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Altre Richieste

InfoFor suggestions and reports email 

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