Autostrade per l'Italia
Autostrade per l'Italia
Corporate university

Higher Education

Master's Degree in Engineering and Integrated Management of Motorway Networks with PoliTo, PoliMi and MIP.

Duration 2 years
20 under 30 hired as apprentices
1400 hours of training alternating with work fully supported by ASPI

Now in its Second Edition

2nd edition of the master
1° edizione del Master di Alto Apprendistato
2nd edition of the master

The initiative is part of the company's Transformation Plan and is developed in partnership with the excellence of the national university arena.

The Master, whose first edition was launched in June 2021, lasts two years and is open to 20 engineers under 30 selected after a long and complex selection process. Over 200 candidates applied for the first edition and 170 for the second edition, which was launched on 22 June 2022. The training programme consists of 10 training modules and over 1400 hours of training, delivered both with lectures from the polytechnics and with lectures from our expert in-house trainers. However, the most outstanding feature, which makes this initiative distinctive in Italy, is that all 20 participants are hired from the very first day of 'school' as employees of the company with an apprenticeship contract and are provided with a working station and location where they can learn 'on the job' how to perform the tasks for which they have been selected. A unique opportunity to learn... by working.

Advanced Management Programme for executive education

Duration 4 weeks of which 1 in Spain
25 executives
Training in data management, economics, strategy, leadership

Now in its Second Edition


Corporate Master Off Roads

Duration 9 months
3 days/month
25 executives/employees under 40
Training borrowed from MBA

Now in its second edition

SDA Bocconi
Advanced Management Program

Management Package intended for all Group executives to consolidate and harmonise basic managerial skills

4 training programmes
82 hours
Teaching Modules on ESG, Safety, Data Driven, Economics, Crisis Communication

Start on 10/2021, 150 Executives involved

LUISS Bocconi
Management Package

LED Project

A targeted and innovative training programme, LED (Lead, Excel and Develop), was introduced for high-potential young people selected through a structured and meritocratic process to consolidate their business management skills and align them with the new behavioural and value model in order to support their professional growth to cover more complex roles.


Accelerating managerial development through participation in a Learning Path that embraces both the personal and professional growth of the individual


Participation in this programme will be open to all Autostrade per l'Italia Group companies with the aim of feeling like a OneCompany


Training the NEXT GEN capable of succeeding old executives

Technical and specialised training

Academy infrastrutture

Training on the features and maintenance of the main elements of motorway furnishings for all technical staff. It also grants credits for the Register of Engineers.

ESG Academy

Training on the fundamentals of ESG with various courses for managers, middle managers, professionals and ambassadors


Academy Digital

8 vertical courses intended for the entire IT & Digital family on architecture, cybersecurity, infrastructure, cloud, etc...

Advanced Management Program

Academy Project Management

Diversified courses to ensure various levels of preparation for product owners, project managers and growing talent. Paths for SME certification and Agile methodology provided


Academy Operations

Training courses for technical staff on operation, facilities, collection. In some cases mandatory for having one’s role confirmed

Management Package

Compliance and "universal" training

Universal access for all employees

Use of in-house trainers

Both synchronous and non-synchronous modes

English courses also delivered to a family member too

Icona Trasparenza
Transparency, ethics, integrity, 231
Icona Soft skills
Soft skills
Icona Applicativi aziendali
Business applications
Icona Valori
Icona Diversity & Inclusion
Diversity & Inclusion
Icona Linguistica
Icona On boarding
On boarding
Icona Safety
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