Rioveggio Junction

of work in total
square metres
of work within the municipality of Monzuno
of excavations

Description of the project

The project regards construction of the new Rioveggio junction, to be located further north compared with the existing junction at km 222 on the Panoramica section of the A1. It will also include the related on- and off-ramps. The infrastructure was partially carried out in previous years, but it has now been necessary to modify the detailed design to reflect changes in the related technical standards. The design foresees the construction and/or completion of major and minor infrastructure, hydraulic engineering works, the toll plaza and toll station equipment. The project also includes construction of a roundabout with three exits between the junction slip roads and the SP325 Via Val di Setta.

Community initiatives

The project primarily regards the municipality of Monzuno and its main effect will be to support and encourage development of the Val di Setta area. The infrastructure will help to drive expansion and enlargement of the industrial and business park close to the new junction.