Business signs
A business sign exclusively refers to an alphanumerical text, optionally supplemented by symbols and trademarks of the applicant, manufactured and supported with materials of any kind, installed in the premises of the business to which it refers or in its appurtenances. It may be illuminated either by its own light or by reflected light. Therefore, anyone wishing to install a business sign on their premises (on the façade, on the roof of the building or even in the areas adjoining the building), visible from the motorway sections operated under concession and listed below, must apply for the technical authorisation/clearance to install the business sign in accordance with the regulations in force.
The Authorisation is granted to the applicant who wishes to install a business sign directly overlooking the sections operated under concession by Autostrade per l'Italia. In the presence of another road managed by another operator between the point where the business sign is to be installed and the motorway sections, the other operator concerned shall be responsible for granting the Authorisation subject to the prior clearance of Autostrade per l'Italia, which operates the motorway section from which the business sign is visible. The Authorisation/Clearance can be granted on condition that, following compliance checks, the provisions of the New Motorway Code (Legislative Decree no. 285 of 30 April 1992) and its implementing and execution regulations (Presidential Decree no. 495 of 16 December 1992) are complied with. Once the Authorisation or Clearance has been granted, it will be valid for three years, then requiring renewal through a special application.