Autostrade per l'Italia
Autostrade per l'Italia

Amplia Infrastructures is the "new" Pavimental, a company of the ASPI Group, Italian leader in the construction of complex infrastructures: not a simple rebranding, but a key element in the Transformation Plan of Autostrade per l'Italia. A significant step forward, aimed at strengthening one of the leading construction companies in Italy, given the challenges facing the country with the aim of relaunching the economy and modernizing infrastructure.


As an integrated operator of solutions and skills for the modernization and maintenance of infrastructures, the company is strengthening its organization to meet, first and foremost, the needs of the business: Amplia will play a key role in the construction of the works contained in the major modernization plan of the motorway network as part of the ASPI Industrial Plan.

Moreover, the company now becomes a leading player in view of the infrastructural challenges that the Country-System is going to face.

In 2021, Amplia achieved a turnover of around EUR 600 million - between captive and extra-captive activities – while setting the goal of doubling it by 2024 to the benefit of the whole Group.

Human capital

Amplia's recruitment plan will involve more than 2,500 men and women in 2024, with an increase of over 800 resources compared to the current 1,800.

A medium-term plan to integrate the ASPI industrial project with specific skills and key competences on the market, favouring the development of Group synergies, enhancing skills and consolidating the partnerships with national players.

Consistently with the strategic approach embraced by the Group with the Autostrade del Sapere project and by enhancing the well consolidated relationships with universities and education institutes, Amplia Academy will enable the Company to train new professionals and create new jobs in the construction sector.

Nasce Open Fiber Network Solutions

Nasce Open Fiber Network Solutions, il consorzio costituito da Amplia Infrastructures, Open Fiber e CIEL con l'obiettivo di accelerare la digitalizzazione delle infrastrutture viarie e di rete, attraverso la realizzazione di iniziative in ambito smart cities. Un ulteriore passo in avanti del Guppo Autostrade per l’Italia nel perseguimento degli obbiettivi dettati dal Piano di Trasformazione, quali la transizione digitale e la definizione della mobilità del futuro.

Il Consorzio prevede di formare e assumere nuove figure professionali, che diventeranno parte attiva nella realizzazione della rete in fibra ottica ultra veloce. I lavori, che partiranno da Giugno 2022, prevedono il coinvolgimento di circa 1000 persone.

Questa nuova partnership si inserisce all'interno del programma Mercury, un polo per l’innovazione tecnologica che, oltre ad Amplia, coinvolge le altre quattro società controllate del Gruppo:Tecne, Movyon, Free To X ed Elgea.

Open fiber


As a leading player in the construction sector, Pavimental has been operating in Italy for over 40 years.

Thanks to its experience, the company can benefit from solid skills in the construction and maintenance of road infrastructures, proven by high certified standards of quality, safety and environmental sustainability. It has carried out complex projects of new constructions, extensions of motorway platforms, modernization and maintenance of complex infrastructures; all this has been made possible by a consolidated state-of-the-art professional technical know-how.


Committed to the modernization intervention of the motorway network provided for in the massive Transformation Plan of Autostrade per l'Italia (EUR 21.5 billion for maintenance, infrastructure regeneration and the construction of new works), Pavimental has built a strong network of synergies with research centres and university excellence, with the ultimate goal of strengthening skills and developing innovation in terms of materials, equipment, plants, production and construction processes, by resorting to advanced technologies for the recovery and reuse of materials and development of new green processes.

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